The transactions highlighted below are representative of Greenhill engagements. In addition, the Firm has completed many engagements that were not publicly-disclosed.
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Eggborough CTA Bonds

Advised an ad hoc committee of bondholders representing over 70% of the debt in Eggborough Power Limited, a UK power station, on (a) the formation of a new company for the purpose of acquiring and holding a controlling interest in the Eggborough CTA Bonds and (b) an associated US$600m financing. The Eggborough CTA Bonds include an option to purchase Eggborough power station in March 2010

Verizon Communications Inc.

(various assets)
Provided independent valuation services in connection with the acquisition by América Móvil and Telmex of a 100% stake in Verizon Dominicana, an approximate 52% stake in Telecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico and an approximate 28.5% stake in Compania Anónima Nacional Teléfonos de Venezuela

Drax Group Limited
Advised bondholders of Drax Group Limited on the refinancing & listing of, and possible offers for, the company. On 15-Dec-05, Drax Group plc was successfully listed on the London Stock Exchange

Thus plc
Advised THUS plc on its underwritten £275 million open offer, £90 million bank loan and demerger from its parent, ScottishPower