The transactions highlighted below are representative of Greenhill engagements. In addition, the Firm has completed many engagements that were not publicly-disclosed.
Recent Transactions
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Farm Boy

Advised Empire Company Limited on the acquisition of Farm Boy, one of the most successful and fastest growing food retailers in Canada

Common shares and common share purchase warrants in Canopy Growth

Advised Canopy Growth on a C$5bn investment by Constellation Brands. As consideration for the investment, Constellation received newly issued Canopy common shares and common share purchase warrants

Hiku Brands Company Ltd.

Advised Canopy Growth, the world’s largest diversified cannabis company, on its acquisition of Hiku Brands


Advised EQT, a leading alternative investments firm with more than EUR 37 billion of AUM on the sale of its portfolio company IslaLink, a leading neutral and independent submarine fiber infrastructure operator in the Balearic Islands

Lion’s stake in Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory Company

Advised Lion (an Australian subsidiary of Kirin), on the sale of its strategic stake in Warrnambool Cheese and Butter Factory to Canadian-based Saputo, under its all cash takeover offer

Nordstrom, Inc. (Credit Card Assets)

Advised The Toronto-Dominion Bank Group on its acquisition of Nordstrom, Inc.’s credit card assets

Target Corporation’s REDcard credit card assets

Advised The Toronto-Dominion Bank Group on its acquisition of Target Corporation’s REDcard credit card assets

The Forzani Group Ltd.

Advised The Forzani Group Ltd., Canada's largest national retailer of brand-name and private-brand sporting goods, apparel and footwear, on its sale to Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited

Camelot Group plc

Advised the shareholders of Camelot – Cadbury, De La Rue, Fujitsu, Royal Mail and Thales – on the sale of their shareholdings in Camelot, the operator of the UK National Lottery, to Ontario Teachers’ Pensions Plan

Groupe Aeroplan Inc.
Advised Groupe Aeroplan on its C$150MM participation in a C$600MM credit facility for Air Canada

Quebecor World Inc
Acted as financial advisor to Quebecor World on its CCAA / Chapter 11 restructuring

Scholastic Corporation’s US direct-to-home continuities business

Advised Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, on the sale of its US direct-to-home continuities business to Sandvik AS

BCE Inc.

Advised the Board of BCE on a review of a range of strategic alternatives that culminated in an agreement to sell to a consortium consisting of Teacher's Private Capital, Providence Equity Partners and Madison Dearborn Partners for $52.0 billion that was ultimately terminated

AT&T Canada
Advised AT&T Canada on a stand-alone financial restructuring