Recent Transactions

$1.7 billion
United Kingdom flag

Tate & Lyle PLC’s Primary Products business in North America and Latin America (50% stake)

United States flag
KPS Capital Partners

Advising Tate & Lyle PLC, a leading UK-based global provider of food and beverage ingredients and solutions, on its sale of a controlling stake in its Primary Products business in North America and Latin America

Australia flag

Bionomics Limited

flag not available

Advised ASX-listed Bionomics, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the treatment of serious central nervous system disorders and cancer, on a consultation process with shareholders following calls for Board change, leading to the formation of a shareholder working group of leading institutional investors and company-led Board renewal.

$3.7 billion
United States flag

Verizon Communications Inc.

Mexico flag
América Móvil and Telmex

(various assets)
Provided independent valuation services in connection with the acquisition by América Móvil and Telmex of a 100% stake in Verizon Dominicana, an approximate 52% stake in Telecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico and an approximate 28.5% stake in Compania Anónima Nacional Teléfonos de Venezuela

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