The transactions highlighted below are representative of Greenhill engagements. In addition, the Firm has completed many engagements that were not publicly-disclosed.
Recent Transactions
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Advised NYK Ports LLC, a leading port operating and stevedoring company, on the sale of a 49% stake to Macquarie Infrastructure Partners, a leading Australian infrastructure fund

Investec Bank (Australia) Limited

Advised Investec Bank (Australia) Limited on the sale of its Professional Finance and Asset Finance and Leasing businesses, its deposit book, and its Australian banking licence to Bank of Queensland Limited (“BOQ”). BOQ is a leading regional Australian bank which provides retail and business banking

A$1.6bn non-core loan portfolio

Advised Suncorp Group Ltd (ASX:SUN), a leading general insurance, retail banking and life insurance group in Australia and New Zealand, on the sale of a A$1.6bn portfolio of performing and non-performing (corporate and property) loans to Goldman Sachs Group Inc., an American multinational investment banking firm

d-cyphaTrade Limited

Advised Transpower New Zealand, the state owned owner-operator of New Zealand’s electricity distribution network on the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary d-cyphaTrade Limited to the Australian Securities Exchange. d-cyphaTrade specializes in the design and marketing of Australian electricity derivatives traded on the ASX24 derivatives platform

Moorebank Intermodal Terminal
Acted as independent advisor to the Australian Government in a peer review of the proposed intermodal terminal linking Sydney’s major port with Australia’s road and rail system


Advised CHAMP Ventures on the sale of its portfolio company TSmarine, a provider of subsea services to the offshore oil and gas industry, to Fugro, among the world's leading service providers for the collection and interpretation of data relating to the earth's surface and sub-surface and for associated services

Australian Unity Limited
Advised Australian Unity Limited, a leading healthcare, financial services and retirement living mutual organisation, on its A$120 million issue of five year unsecured notes listed on the Australian Stock Exchange

Tyndall Investments

Advised Suncorp, on the sale of its investment management business, Tyndall Investments, in Australia and New Zealand to Nikko Asset Management, a leading Asian mutual funds management company

TOWER Australia Group Limited

Advised TOWER Australia Group Limited, the largest mono-line life insurance company in Australia, in relation to the offer from The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited to acquire all of the shares in TOWER that it does not already own by way of a scheme of arrangement

Rural Bank

Advised Elders, a diversified agricultural company on the sale of its 40% stake in Rural Bank to Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, an Australian diversified financial services company

Guinness Peat Group plc
Advised GPG plc, a listed investment company, on potential restructuring alternatives

TOWER Australia Group Limited
Advised TOWER Australia, a provider of life insurance, risk, superannuation and retirement solutions, on its non-accelerated, 1 for 7 renounceable entitlement offer

Tristone Capital Global Inc.

Advised Tristone Capital Global Inc., an independent advisory firm focused on the global energy sector, on its sale to Macquarie Group

Close Brothers Corporate Finance Holdings Ltd.

Advised Close Brothers Group plc, an independent financial services group, on the sale of its corporate finance subsidiary to Daiwa Securities SMBC Europe Ltd.

Nikko Cordial Corporation

Advised Nikko Cordial, one of Japan’s largest securities firms, on its share exchange with Citigroup Inc., which resulted in Citigroup’s acquisition of the remaining 32% of Nikko Cordial that it did not already own

Aquarion Company

(a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kelda Group plc) Advised Kelda Group plc on the sale of Aquarion Company, one of the largest investor-owned water utilities in the US