The transactions highlighted below are representative of Greenhill engagements. In addition, the Firm has completed many engagements that were not publicly-disclosed.
Recent Transactions
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Saga plc

Advised Sir Roger De Haan on his cornerstone investment of £100mm in Saga, the UK provider of products and services exclusively for the over 50s, as part of its £150m equity raise

CPP Group plc
Advised on the comprehensive restructuring of its balance sheet, including sale of the US business, terming out the existing RCF and creation of additional liquidity by the long term deferral of business partner payments

The Miller Group
Advised The Miller Group, the UK’s largest private homebuilder, on the recapitalization of its balance sheet comprising a substantial new equity capital raising and a significant debt for equity swap

Guinness Peat Group plc
Advised GPG plc, a listed investment company, on potential restructuring alternatives

Minerva plc
Advised Minerva plc, a UK real estate development company, on its successful defence following an unsolicited offer from KiFin Limited, a company that makes investments for the benefit of Mr Nathan Kirsh