The transactions highlighted below are representative of Greenhill engagements. In addition, the Firm has completed many engagements that were not publicly-disclosed.
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AerFi Group plc

Advised AerFi on its sale to debis AirFinance .

Diageo plc

Advised Diageo on the sale of The Pillsbury Company for $5.1 billion in assumed debt and $5.4 billion in stock to General Mills.

Dorling Kindersley plc

Advised Dorling Kindersley, a leading and innovative book publisher, on the sale of the company to Pearson in an all cash transaction.

Hong Kong Telecom

, 54% subsidiary of Cable and Wireless plc
Advised C&W on the sale of Hong Kong Telecom (54% owned subsidiary of C&W) to PCCW in non-Japan Asia’s largest ever transaction.

Indigo Aviation AB

Advised AerFi Group on its acquisition of Indigo Aviation. The transaction involved a negotiated purchase of 72% of Indigo for shares of AerFi followed by a cash tender offer for the remaining 28% of the outstanding Indigo shares.


(joint venture between Cable and Wireless plc and Media One)
Strategic advice to C&W in connection with the sale of One2One, a UK mobile phone operator, 50% owned by C&W and 50% owned by Media One

Mirror Group PLC

Advised Trinity on its merger with Mirror Group to form Trinity Mirror, the UK’s largest newspaper publisher

Cable & Wireless Communications plc

, 53% subsidiary of Cable and Wireless plc Advised C&W on the reorganisation of Cable & Wireless Communications, including the sale of CWC’s consumer businesses to NTL and the acquisition of the public minority interest in CWC’s business telephony, data and IP operations

Aquarion Company

Advised Kelda Group (formerly Yorkshire Water) on the all-cash purchase of Aquarion Company, a US water utility group.

M&G Group plc

Advised M&G Group on the sale of the company for cash to Prudential, the United Kingdom’s largest life insurer and fund manager.


, MCI’s Internet Business
Advised C&W on the financing of its iMCI acquisition via the largest equity primary placement to date in the London market

Cigarrera La Moderna

, subsidiary of Empresas La Moderna Advised Empresas La Moderna on the sale of its subsidiary Cigarrera La Moderna, Mexico’s largest cigarette producer, for a combination of cash and redeemable notes